We offer an inclusive approach to all children within our care.
How does the early years setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
At The Brambles Day Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S). We have an embedded system to ensure that a key person is allocated to every child, this key person completes regular observations that are used to inform the child’s planning around their individual needs and interests. These include interests from home and interests at nursery. The key person completes a baseline assessment on every child to identify any support that may be required. These assessments are shared with the parents who are encouraged to add their comments. We then implement a joint approach.
When a child initially starts with us we provide settling in sessions where the key person familiarises themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any needs with the key person so that these can be catered for. The parents and the key person complete an initial starting point of development form on this settling in session to identify any concerns.
A 2-3 year old check is also completed and shared with parents and other settings. It gives an overview of the child’s progression and abilities. We have regular, informal discussions with parents and we are available to talk about any concerns they may have about their child’s development and progress. If a child comes to us with an already recognised or diagnosed difficulty or disability, or if we discover such a condition, we have clear knowledge of the support services available both from the statutory and voluntary sector. We believe in early identification and referral.
How will early years setting staff support my child?
We have a nursery SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) that has been trained through the local authority to support the key person, child and families to ensure that the child’s individual needs are met. We have robust policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly ensuring that our resources and environments are suitable and accessible for all.
The SENCO will work closely with the key person to differentiate resources, experiences and activities to support the child. The nursery SENCO will work with the key person to provide personal support plans for each individual child based around their abilities and interests.
The SENCO will liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) such as Early Years Inclusion Officers, Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to gain further advice in supporting each individual child. The SENCO and the key person will work collaboratively to ensure that any identified targets and strategies are implemented. The plans and activities will be reviewed by the key person, SENCO and the parents regularly to update plans and provide support for all children.
If the family has English as an additional language they will be encouraged to share key words in their home language for the key person to understand with the child.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
We have a sound knowledge of the E.Y.F.S. curriculum and we provide suitable activities which can be adapted to each child’s individual abilities. By monitoring and recording each child’s progress we can identify each child’s ‘next steps’. We have a good understanding of each child’s strengths and areas for development, as identified through observation and development. We use each child’s interests and preferences to encourage them to engage in activities. Children are actively encouraged to play and to safely explore within our setting, both indoors and out, and whilst on outings away from the setting.
How are parents / carers included in the child’s education and curriculum?
Parents’ communication is valued and the key person will work together with the parents to ensure that every child’s learning is supported.
At the initial settling in sessions the parents/ carers will work with the key person to settle the child into the nursery. Throughout this time the key person will complete the information sheet to understand the child’s individual routines, needs, interests and abilities.
The parents are encouraged to work together with the key person completing observations and activities for home to keep them informed of new interests so that this can be incorporated in the activities that are planned for that child. The parents will be invited to attend regular meetings to review the child’s progress.
Every child has their own learning journal that the parents can view at any time. The parents are encouraged to add their views and comments. We offer themed open sessions to offer opportunities for parents to see our approach, our methods and to support their understanding of the EYFS.
What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
Each child’s wellbeing is our overall concern. We will work closely with any outside agencies to ensure each child is fully supported both at home and within our setting. We have appropriate peadiatric first aid training and we are happy to undertake any further training which is specific to a child’s individual needs. Medication will only be given with signed written permission from the child’s parents/carers, or by verbal agreement over the phone, in a necessary situation. Behaviour of all children is closely monitored and responded to in accordance with our behaviour policy. Any concerns we have will be raised with the child’s parents by us at the first available opportunity. By sharing information with parents/carers/other settings, we are all working to support each child’s wellbeing and our combined approach increases its effectiveness.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?
We currently, and previously, have worked with professionals in relation to several other children that we have provided care for, including speech therapists, social workers, health visitors and nursery/pre-school staff. We will follow any professional advice given to us that relates to a specific child and all paperwork is copied and placed into their individual family file. We have training in peadiatric first aid, child protection, food hygiene and observation, planning and assessment, which we renew as and when required.
How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?
We are a fully inclusive setting and no child is excluded from any activity. All outings/trips/activities are fully risk assessed and reviewed annually and consider all children’s individual needs. Adequate support is offered to enable all children to access activities. We will ask advice from the child’s parents/carers and gain information on the child’s specific needs and how best to cater for these.
How accessible is the early years setting environment? (Indoors and outdoors)
The Brambles Day Nursery is a purpose built building, the site is accessible for all, the paths and rooms are all wheelchair accessible, there are accessible toilets and changing facilities for younger and older children. The equipment is accessible for all with plenty of space for wheelchair users, the tables and chairs height adjustable. Access to the garden is suitable for all level of need.
How will the early years setting prepare and support my child to join the early years setting, transfer to a new setting/school?
Transitions are a key time for any child. The key person ensures that these transitions are well planned and supported.
When a child first starts at the nursery the key person will work with the parents to devise appropriate times for the child to settle into the nursery at their own pace. When a child transitions to another room throughout their time at The Brambles Day Nursery, the key person works with the new key person to relay and hand over relevant information for that child.
The child will have a range of settling in sessions into the next age range to secure successful transitions. The new key person will ensure that the child’s interests and needs are catered for and that the child is well adjusted to their new room and peers.
When a child is ready to transition to School the new teachers will be invited into nursery to meet the key person and all relevant transition supporting documents are completed and relayed to the School to ensure a smooth transition takes place for all children.
How are the early years setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
We are registered to provide funded places for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year old’s. This is for 30 hours a week during term time but funding can, and often is, shared with another setting if required. All our furniture and equipment has been purchased with a view to accessibility for as many children as possible. We work with parents to identify any specialist equipment that may be required and can link with any relevant professionals. Additional funding can be sought for children with SEN. Each child’s individual needs are identified and available resources will be deployed where necessary. We also have access to sign language training (Makaton and total communication) and access to help advise how to write with visual and accessible symbol systems to support children and adults with English as a second language or literacy challenges.
How are parents involved in the early years setting? How can I be involved?
Regular discussions with parents enable us to support each child’s learning on an individual basis. We keep parents up to date with their child’s progress and care. Children’s personal pathways are accessible to parents at all time. Children’s next steps are on the parent notice board in each room. Parents’ evenings will take place twice a year for parents to have discussions with their key worker. We encourage parents/carers to discuss any worries or concerns that they may have with us. Information is provided to parents verbally, in their child’s communication book, by email and via the child’s learning journal.
Who can I contact for further information?
We are always happy to discuss a child’s progress, care or any concerns with their parents/carers. We are available during working hours to arrange a mutually convenient time.